A Focus on Sustainability at American Airlines with BioNatur Plastics

American Airlines is working to make its operations more sustainable with more-fuel efficient aircraft powered increasingly by low-carbon fuel and new technology. To achieve net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050, the airline has set a number of ambitious intermediate targets. To do so, the airline is working to drive progress in several key areas — some of which the airline can influence directly, and some of which will require action and collaboration within the aviation industry, across sectors and by policymakers.

One of the many ways the airline is leading the industry in its focus on sustainability is by switching to Bio Natur Plastics. American’s cargo division is transitioning to biodegradable plastic wrap for use in its operations, which, in 2022, reduced long-term plastic waste by more than 130,000 lbs., equal to 6.4 million plastic water bottles. While traditional plastic can take up to 1,000 years to break down, the BioNatur Plastics™ wrap now used by American biodegrades in 5 to 10 years in normal landfill conditions.

Read more here.


American Airlines Cargo Has Hydrogen Hopes


American Airlines Cargo Partners with BioNatur Plastics™, Reducing Long-Term Plastic Waste Equal to 6.4 Million Water Bottles in 2022